This brand new system from the Worlds Leading authority, is set to revolutionise the way you view and practice self defense.
I want you to imagine this scenario for just one moment:
This material is so powerful, it’s almost unfair.
We can just imagine some airy fairy land snowflakes being offended at your new found abilities to absolutely destroy and annihilate any would be attacker.
This new world of violence demands this sad truth.
But hey, we are getting ahead of ourselves here.
Before we go any further, you need to know who is going to be teaching you this material and why they are the person you need to learn from.
My name is Russell Stutely and I have been helping people, just like you, to massively increase their effectiveness for over 20 years.
My systems are required learning at 100 Police Academies with over 20,000 Security Officers per year being certified.
This is because my systems work and they work damned fast.
I have worked Security in many Countries on 3 Continents.
I have worked with the Police, Military and Private Contractors since 1995 teaching Defensive Tactics and Self Defense.
I know exactly what will and will not work out there when the proverbial hits the fan.
I know how the criminal scumbags work and how they think.
I will ensure that you are armed with the very best information and training available, so that you can protect yourself and your loved ones.
I guarantee that the Pressure Point Self Defense System (PPSDS) has no equals. You will be transformed - virtually overnight. Our online training courses are the highest quality available, anywhere. Our systems have been tested under the most extreme of conditions.
Russell Stutely
Ideal for those who are new or fairly new to Pressure Points and Self Defense and want to ensure that they can protect themselves and loved ones
Ideal for those who have some experience in Pressure Points and Self Defense or for those who want to take their skills to a higher level
ONLY for those who are determined to be the very best. The Gold course is the pinnacle of your Self Defense and Pressure Point training
During the last 20 odd years of travelling the World teaching, I have also been learning and refining my craft as a Coach / Instructor / Teacher.
I have observed how people learn best, how they absorb information and how they make that information stick.
To that end, I have made every single lesson with the above in mind.
Everything has a clear, concise and easy to understand method, that is built in layers of understanding.
It sounds a bit of a cliche sometimes, but it is so true, the more you know, then the more you will see and learn.
In other words, every time you improve just a little bit, you can watch a lesson again and improve even more!
One aspect of the way different people learn, is that sometimes, some people need the information in a different order to others.
If we take driving as an example: You may say to one person, put the clutch in and then put it into first gear ready to move away.
To someone else you may say, you need to be in first gear to move away, but before you do that, put the clutch in.
A different order of learning, but the end result is the same.
Knowing this to be the case and that everyone is different, we have opened up every single lesson for you from day one.
Yes, ALL of your lessons are there ready and waiting.
So, for example, if you really needed to know about weapon retention, you can go straight to that module first.
This means you can literally pick what order you learn in.
Now, I have taken the time to put the lessons in the order I recommend – but ultimately the choice is yours.
Let’s take a good look at what you receive at each level:
Let’s take a closer look at the modules contained in the PPSDS.
This is without doubt the biggest and most kick ass deal we have ever put together.
Every single lesson inside the PPSDS is BRAND NEW and shot in Full HD.
Nothing has been left to chance.
Copyright © 2019 Russell Stutely. All Rights Reserved.